**thanks babe for the pic and the editing** I heart it :-*
I mentioned earlier that all of us at ScrappyB were doing Ali Edwards' one little word challenge
in 2011. I also mentioned what a hard time I was having picking my word. If it was for me I would have at least 10. But from what I've gotten so far from Ali's workshop the whole point is to focus on one thing. We tend to get overwhelmed with a whole list of resolutions in the beginning of the year that we often end up only accomplishing a few, if any.. So I worked hard to find the one word that had meaning to me this year. The one word that would get me where I want to be and as I was chatting with ma' babe I found myself thinking of "do". I just want to do. I want to stop thinking about doing, stop planning of someday doing something and just do it. I tend to think so much that I often overload my brain and end up doing nothing. Well that's just not the kinda doing I'm gonna be doing this year. I'm gonna do me. and I'm gonna do it as I think it.. if feasible. hehe
2011 is not the year for excuses. 2011 is the year for doing.
I'm really looking forward to sharing my journey with you throughout the year.
Stay sweet,

My one little word..
...and she means it!
ReplyDeleteThe pic is "georgeous!"
So well said!!!