These top choices, as you will soon see, have no Christmas or Halloween. Summer CHA is always filled with those two themes.. and well, I'm not a big "theme" fan.. These choices were made from the 20% theme free product that was featured in the show. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on them and any you like that I missed! (even if they are themed)
So here they are.. In no particular order:
1. Crate Paper - Restoration Collection
2. Sassafras - Mix and Mend Collection 4. Pink Paislee - House of Three Parisian Anthology Collection

5. Imaginisce - New I-Top Accessories

6. Teresa Collins - Blingage

7. Basic Grey - Curio Collection

8. My Minds Eye - Lost and Found Collection

9. Prima - Scrapbook Jewelry

10. Tim Holtz - Configurations

There you have it.. my fave 10. Ten products that I CANNOT wait until they hit ScrappyB. What about you? I'm sure you've seen all the sneak peeks of all the yummy product that was released a couple of weeks ago. What are you most excited about?!
If you're a central Floridian make sure to check out ScrappyB's blog for an update of all the products that will be coming to your favorite LSS!!! I can't wait for all the boxes to start coming in and start playing!!!!!!!! Soooooo excited!
Also, check out Scrapbook Update's Top Ten picks.. Some awesome different product and great in-depth reviews!
Leave a comment! I'd love to hear about your faves :o)
Stay sweet,
Yes, I think the Crate Restoration looks fabulous (though I haven't seen it in person...JEALOUS!!!) haha Glad you had fun!