There is no doubt my favorite layouts consist of your products. I find I enjoy my time the most while playing with Basic Grey. From colors to patters to endless possibilities. I just love it. It simply makes me happy. I can't wait to see their new releases this CHA winter. EEP!
Here's another layout I made using their Oliver line:
Since this is a layout about Blue, how about a little update on how he's doing? We lowered the dose again in the beginning of the week to one a day. You can totally see the old Blue starting to shine through this "blue" Blue that has not been himself for the past month! We will continue to lower it until gone and hope that this is it for this phase and he will be his healthy, happy self soon! Hoping for the best..
Stay sweet,
Mari, your work and Dean's photos continue to amaze me every day! You are both so talented!