Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beautiful Bloggers

I got awarded the "Beautiful Blogger" award from Amanda... she's so sweet and an awesome scrapper and blogger as well. As a matter of fact some of her layouts just got in to be published in next years Making Memories magazine. Way to go Amanda! She's awesome.
Terms of the award: Must list 10 things about yourself, thank the person who gave it to you and pass it onto 10 wonderful bloggers:

Here are 1o random facts about me:
  1. I'm an early bird and most def. a morning person
  2. LOOOOOOVE food - salty and sweet alike. Must have something sweet after anything salty but must be careful of not eating too much sweet because it then calls for something salty - and the cycle starts all over again :oP
  3. My doggies and my honey are my life. Being together is definitely more than enough. They make my day
  4. Pattern paper makes me happy. I could do without all the embellies. Just give me paper and I'm a happy girl :o)
  5. I love taking naps. Would take one after lunch everyday if I could. Maybe that's a sign I eat too much during lunch :-X
  6. I don't really have a favorite color... It varies between pink, orange, blue and green depending on my mood. Right now apple green is def. my fave
  7. I love to travel and trying new things in new places
  8. I'm an only child.
  9. Chocolate ice cream or shakes make me sick. Ever since I tried making my own in a so called magic blender and got terribly ill from it...
  10. Chuck is my favorite TV show at the moment. It makes me laugh like there's no tomorrow.
That's all about me though! Phew that was *hard*. :oP

I'm passing it onto these 10 awesome bloggers and artists (In no particular order :oP ) that I absolutely love and that are among the many that keep my Google reader full hehe:
  1. Jen
  2. Jennifer
  3. Stacey
  4. Britt
  5. Camilla
  6. Lisa
  7. Stacey
  8. Jenn
  9. Michelle
  10. Sue
Off to leave comments on their blogs :o) Lets keep this going! I would love to learn more about all of you...

Oh! and in recognition of Earth Day (which was yesterday - whoops!) I want to share something Dean made and I can't wait to scrap!

Stay Sweet,
