Its getting late but I had to do something for this weeks Spontaneous Wednesdays! So I have two layouts for you today... I finally got started on the page of the month Basic Grey kits from last year; 1 down, 12 to go. Last week Dean and I laid every single one of them out and made a list of all the titles, pictures needed, and possible journaling options. Now all I have to do is get to them one by one...not necessarily in order :oP
Fist let me show you The Old Jail layout I made with some of our pictures from one of our trips to St. Augustine (REALLY REALLY hoping we get to take a little road trip this Sunday back to our fave town <3 )
And here's the layout from the Basic Grey kit of the month from the beg. of last year. I can not even tell you how excited I am to have one of these layouts finished. I can't wait for the whole album to be done... It's gonna be great to look back at it years from now.

Happy Wednesday everyone!
Stay sweet,

The Old Jail and another little treat...
great work, Mari! Now GO finish up the rest of the BG kits!!! ;)