Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kits and Classes at ScrappyB!

So excited to share that I'm not only starting to teach at ScrappyB but I'm also making kits to sell :o) The kits are all pre-cut and ready to assemble with a few tips and tricks to help you along the way. Right now I have put together a Dog and a Cat kit with the Basic Grey line; Max and Whiskers. Here they are:

I love my dog 2-pg layout kit

I love my cat 2-pg layout kit

I've also designed a new class that it's now added in the schedule for late July :o) This is perfect for documenting your everyday life. Document what you regularly do each day of the week, or if you're like me and each day is a free for all kinda thing just take a one picture each day for a week. It would be great to look back and see what your typical week looked like and consisted of at this time in your life :o)

A Week in our Life 2-pg Layout
Saturday July 31st.
1:00pm $24

For more info call Scrappy Boutique at 407.856.8070 :o) I would love for you to join me! If you were at my Pure Bliss Canvas class you know yummy Serbian cookies are in order.. hehe

Stay sweet,


Monday, June 28, 2010

Life and Oliver...

There is one thing I'm sure of. Everything happens for a reason. This past month has been like being in a crazy roller-coaster of uncertainty. Mind you I really like roller-coasters, just not this kind. Not knowing has always been my biggest fear, and at this point in time I know nothing. I have no plan. I've never had no plan. It's weird. If there is one thing I know is that I am surrounded by beautiful people that support me and encourage me to just keep going. And I'm so very thankful for that.

Basic Grey makes my day, any day :oP I got to play with their new line Oliver at our fabulous staff crop yesterday! Check it out:

I gotta run now, but come back soon.. I got some classes and kits to show you hehe.. Wish Blue and I luck today. One more checkup and hopefully we can be done with these pills.

Stay sweet,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Upcoming classes... WOOT!

There's so much going on right now! I can't believe I haven't posted these upcoming classes... I'm going to be teaching at Orlando's very own Scrappy Boutique! Scrappy B is my home. No seriously, it is. It has watched me grow and I have grown because of it. I have met such wonderful ladies and made lifetime friends. I can't express with words my gratitude to this store and everyone I've gotten to know from it. It's my happy place. I'm so very excited to be teaching here and I hope you are too! Here are some classes I have coming up late this month and early to mid July...

Pure Bliss Canvas Page
Friday June 25th
6pm $22

Flutter 2-page layout
Friday July 9th
6pm $22

Bloom Mini Book
Monday July 19th
6pm $40

If you'd like to sign up for one (or all three hehe) of these classes be sure to call 407.856.8070 to reserve your spot :o) I'd love to see you there!

Stay sweet,


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Honestly speaking...

I've gotten nothing done this week. Zero, null, nilch. It's been crazy. Dean talks a little about Blue's situation here, in case you are one of those inquiring minds...I know in my heart he will be ok. We just gotta get that platelet count up!

I was hoping this to be a more creative week but you know, life gets in the way :oP so I'll leave you with this layout I made for Scrappy Boutique for NSD.. Can't believe I hadn't posted it yet! I absolutely love how perfectly these pictures match this paper. I love it when that happens.

Got a fun little surprise over at the Creative Imaginations blog today though! come take a peek :o)

Hope everyone is having a great week!
Stay sweet,