Emily B!
Congratulations Emily! You're the new proud owner of a photo tray (hehe I'm having way too much fun with this). So Emily, make sure you send me your info at artsycraftyme@gmail.com :o)
I want to thank all of you for stopping by my blog.. I hope it becomes one of the frequent stops you make on your cyberspace journey hehe. I'm definitely gonna have more of these soon. They make me happy :)
and as promised... Here's my finished photo tray :o) I can't even tell you how excited I am to have this finished. Honestly this week has been so crazy that I probably wouldn't have finished it if it wasn't for the giveaway. So let me hear a woot woot for our first drawing :o)
I'm really loving how this turned out.. I think it's mostly because it has so much meaning to me. It's gonna be great looking back at our lists years from now and seeing what we wanted or liked. Not only that, but it'll be a constant reminder of our dreams and goals...
I'm beat... we just got back from St. Augustine. I'll tell you more about that soon. Although I can say one thing I learned for sure. *must* have Dean take pictures of me from all angles before leaving the house to see how I *really* look. Gym tmw six o'clock. :-X
Thanks for playing! We'll have to do this again soon :o)
Stay sweet,